Are You Jeopardizing Your Top-O-Mind Position?

Are You Jeopardizing Your Top-O-Mind Position?

Thursday I posted “How to Stay Top-O-Mind and Not Wear Out Your Welcome.” This was in response to a request I had from someone who wanted to be removed from my distribution list. That post was from the perspective of the person distributing information or emailing to connections. Today I want to look at it from the perspective of the person making the removal request.

How Do You Decide to Take Yourself Off a Distribution List

Asking to be removed from a distribution list requires careful consideration.

We are all inundated by email and always looking for ways to clean out our mailbox. Sometimes it can pretty difficult and frustrating because the removal process is obscure, doesn’t exist, doesn’t work, or has any number of other problems.

However, when we are receiving email from people we know; it’s an easy process. We simply send them email asking them to stop emailing their information. Hopefully they will honor our request but if that doesn’t work we can simply remove them from our contact list or block them.

Is this Top-O-Mind Jeopardy?

Two easy actions to rid ourselves of this annoying email. Think about it though, what have you just accomplished?

For some reason this person made a conscious decision to include you in the distribution of the information. Whether the person created the information or it was something they saw and felt inclined to send to you; they were thinking of you.

Isn’t having people think about you the purpose behind networking? Are you potentially jeopardizing your access to opportunities?

Have You Just Asked to Be Removed from Your Position of Top-O-Mind

Here you have a situation where someone is thinking enough about you! You are on their mind. They thought to send you some information but you are saying, “I really don’t appreciate your sending me information. In fact, I really wish you wouldn’t think about me!”

Is that your goal? Is that what you really want?

Maybe the message you are sending is, “I only want you to send me the information I find important or benefits me in a certain way; otherwise don’t bother me!”

Did You Say You Would Prefer I Simply Do Not Contact You?

What if this person had an opportunity to refer someone to you or your competitor; would they really be inclined to reach out to you when you said don’t contact me?

So What to Do if You Don’t Want the Email

So what do you do if you don’t want to offend the sender and you don’t want the email? Have you ever heard of the delete key? That’s the simple solution. Delete the message and do not say anything to the sender.
Your networking objective should be to become Top-O-Mind with as many of your connections as possible. You always want them thinking good things about you. You don’t want to offend them or start them thinking about your competitor. If you have people thinking about you; you must protect the relationship. You never know where your next referral will come from or when it will come. You must keep all avenues open.


My name is Tom Staskiewicz and my goal is to help everyone do a little better, get a little further and reach the success they are destined to achieve!

Do you need help with your message? Are you struggling for people to know you and what you have to offer? If so, I can help. My contact information is below or Email  Me Now! and lets get started.

Whatever I can do to help you or anyone to move forward in reaching your goals; I’m all for it. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

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