Questions Job Seekers Should Ask

Job Seekers Need to Ask Their Own Questions

So the awkward moment arrives and the interviewing manager says; “Do you have any questions for me?” The worst thing you can do is say; “No, I don’t have any questions.”

There are three issues. First, you don’t want to look like a dufus. Second, you need to find out whether the company is a right fit for you! Third, you must be prepared!

Listening to Herman Cain

As I was driving to work the other day; I was listening to the Herman Cain Show on the radio. As the owner and CEO of several businesses he has interviewed many applicants and one thing he always likes is the applicant who asks intelligent questions.

The problem is most candidates are unprepared and either do not ask questions or do not ask intelligent questions. Even though the candidate knows the opportunity is coming; they are unprepared and have no idea what to ask.

Below are some of the possible questions raised on the show:

What’s the Next Step?

Far too often job seekers don’t take the time to determine the process. They sit through the interview, answer the questions and then leave wondering if they will ever hear anything more. Ask about the process; are there more interviews or will some candidates be invited back for a second interview? If so, when and how many?

How Long Before There Is a Decision on the Position?

What is the timeline for filling the position? When do they expect to make the decision? Is there an urgency to filling the position?

What Have You Learned in the Interviews?

How many candidates have you interviewed? How many more interviews do you have scheduled? How do I compare to those you have interviewed? What have you seen in others that has piqued your interest?

What Are the Critical Skills and Abilities You Require?

This is an extremely important question. The job posting may list a large number of skills and abilities they would like or desire; but what’s critical?

Is This a New Position or a Replacement?

If this is a new position you need to take the opportunity to help define the role. What skills do they want and what additional skills can you bring to the position.

Long ago, when I worked for IBM, one of the ways we were able to get business was by helping the organization write their RFP (Request for Proposal). Obviously when you get in on the ground floor of helping to define the requirements; you increase your chances. The same can be said for a job description.

This process can be especially useful if you know a hiring manager, who has a need. If you meet the basic requirements for the position, you can help this person refine the skills and remarkably they happen to match what you have

If this is a replacement for someone who moved up or out; you need to focus on what key skills and abilities must be replaced. Quite often your predecessor performed tasks and assignments which were outside the normal scope of their job because they had the skill. Is the company looking for a clone of this individual


My name is Tom Staskiewicz and my goal is to help everyone do a little better, get a little further and reach the success they are destined to achieve!

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